
Types of Posture

Better Posture – Understanding Janda’s Syndromes

Professor Vladimir Janda was a medical doctor from the Czech Republic that was inspired to understand more deeply how the nervous system worked to control posture, muscular balance, and functional stability. His own struggle with Polio led him to a career specializing in neurology and, eventually, functional rehabilitation focusing on chronic pain syndromes. He founded […]

Relaxation Of Body And Mind

2 Keys To Bodily Relaxation And Mental Calm

“In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” -Shunryu Suzuki Focus. It’s more important than ever now that you are surrounded by distractions. Culture presents you with so much information that you can easily become overwhelmed. You can be pulled in too many directions and feel that you’re spread too thin. Your mind tends to […]

brachial plexus 3d hand

Your Hands’ Source of Strength

Hand Strength From The Neck? A recent study of national level judo athletes found that the application of chiropractic adjustments to the neck immediately increased grip strength. It is crucial that your neck does not exhibit areas of dysfunction or it may limit your hand function. It’s a fact that the muscles of your hands are controlled by nerve impulses from your brain’s […]