
Stay informed, stay healthy!

Chiropractor Skill

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a Chiropractor for 7 Years.

1. There’s no cure for your back pain, neck pain, and headaches.  No single intervention can cure most back pain, neck pain, and headaches. As a chiropractor, I see that most of my patients have the potential to get better. However, incremental changes are necessary. You can increase your body’s vital capacity to heal through […]

Girl Sleeping

Sleep: Why We Need It

The Need for Sleep Being as busy as we often are, sleep may be seen as a luxury in our hectic modern world. However, studies are showing the benefits of sleep extend beyond what we’ve known before. Ericsson’s high-impact study from 1993 reported that the best sleepers got about 8 and a half hours. The average American sleeps just under seven […]


Carbs: Cut Down to Avoid Disease

Carbs Cause Disease The Lancet’s global burden of disease report states that “a poor diet now generates more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking combined.” It’s simply not possible to “outrun” a bad diet, as a recent study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests. The evidence suggests that excess carbs are the main mark […]

Resolutions: Making and Breaking Habits to Stay Pain-Free

The new year brings new resolutions for many who wish to improve their health. While many are well intentioned, not everyone will succeed in achieving lasting changes. Breaking old bad habits and forming new good ones can be difficult, but the process may be easier if you consider the following definition: A habit, from the standpoint […]

Health Explored

Let’s explore ways we can pursue better health! I want to communicate the rich world of health news with each of you so I am writing this inaugural post of the Whole Health Chiropractic Boston blog. I picture this as a way for us to share the most relevant research, functional rehabilitation advice, and the […]